This is my /nope page listing everything I don’t want in my life, things that send me a bad vibe and that I think shouldn’t exist. It is inspired by slashpages and might feel a bit too negative.

  • Ads are everywhere on the web and in software. There must be a better way to make money these days. The ads business is killing the web and destroying trust because of user tracking.
  • Excessive user tracking. A consequence of the previous item.
  • When LinkedIn sends me emails about my « performance » and gives me a summary of all the things I’ve been missing since my last visit.
  • I receive inquiries for collaboration or guest posts from bots or humans who didn’t read my website in the first place. The following example concerns placing an ad. As you know, I don’t display ads on my blog, yet here we are.
  • Similarly, someone sent me a new job proposal but didn’t read my LinkedIn Profile. Get lost.
  • Liking every single photo I share on Pixelfed… to draw some attention to your account. There must be photos that you don’t like, no?
  • Algorithm-based timelines. Infinite scrolling timelines. Traditional social networks.
  • YouTube video thumbnail designs like these are… well… how should I say…? They are visual click-bait, and people somewhat look a bit stupid.

That is it for now, more to come soon.