🌌 Main space: https://numericcitizen.me

The place for lengthy articles on things like Apple, photography, apps and services reviews, and more.

💭 Blog: https://blog.numericcitizen.me

The blogging space where I share my thoughts and comments and spend a great time with a great community.

📡 Blips: https://blips.numericcitizen.me

A small corner of the Internet space to share blips of thoughts.

🛠️ Metablog: https://world.numericcitizen.io/meta

If you want to learn about the tools I use and depend on as a compulsive creator, that’s the place to visit!

👤 About Me: https://crafted.numericcitizen.me/about

Learn much more about Numeric Citizen in this small digital garden.

Some recent posts on my blog:

Past newsletters are available as webpages here.